Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday/Thursday, 17/18 December, 2014

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What evidence supports the Theory of Evolution?

NGSSS: SC.912.L.15.1

-Explain how the scientific theory of evolution is supported by the fossil record, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, biogeography, molecular biology, and observed evolutionary change. 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-identify bodies of evidence that support the scientific theory of evolution.

BELL RINGER: Students completed a Know/Want to know chart about theories and laws.

VOCABULARY: evolution, fossil, artificial selection, adaptation, fitness, natural selection, biogeography, homologous structure, analogous structure, vestigial structure, the struggle for existance

HOME LEARNING: work on your science fair paper/project 

Students recorded what they know and want to know about theories and laws in their notebooks.

Students also received HL 6, which can be found below:
This is HL 6. Answers only on your own paper.

Students then read the cartoon Survival of the Sneakiest and discussed the questions about fitness. You can read the entire question at this link:Survival of the Sneakiest.

Students defined all of the vocabulary listed above in their interactive notebooks. All words come from chapter 16.

Students then made a poster depicting evidence that supports evolution.

Don't forget, home learning 6 is due the next class, at the beginning of the class!