Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, 06/07 January, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What evidence supports the Theory of Evolution?

NGSSS: SC.912.L.15.1

-Explain how the scientific theory of evolution is supported by the fossil record, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, biogeography, molecular biology, and observed evolutionary change. 

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-identify bodies of evidence that support the scientific theory of evolution.

BELL RINGER: Complete the concept map of the handout.

VOCABULARY: evolution, fossil, artificial selection, adaptation, fitness, natural selection, biogeography, homologous structure, analogous structure, vestigial structure, the struggle for existance

HOME LEARNING: HL 7, on your own paper/work on your science fair paper/project 

Students completed the concept map, based on their reading about evidence for evolution from the text. The handout also includes HL 7. HL 7 is to be answered on your own paper. You will place the handout in your notebook.
The concept map is to be completed for today's bell ringer.
HL 7 is to answer questions 1-6 on your own paper, answers only.
The lesson recap should help you distinguish between natural and artificial selection.

Students then took note about Darwin and evolution. You can find a shortened movie of the power point below. The entire powerpoint can be found at My Big Campus. Due to uploading restriction, only a shortened version of the power point, in movie form, is found below. It omits many of the interesting background information. Be sure that even though you take notes from this presentation (what's in red), you take the time to go through the original, albeit long power point presentation.

We will complete the notes next class.

Remember, projects are due in class on Monday!

Home learning 7 is due next class session!