Monday, May 4, 2015

Tuesday/Wednesday, 05/06 May, 2015

Biology students:

Review for Thursday's EOC by visiting the following sites:

Biology Spin the Wheel

Biomes Games
Choose an area you need to review and complete the games in that section. You may want to look at your percentages from you data chat (page 5 in your notebook). Those areas that have the lowest scorers are the ones you need to review.

For those of you who prefer to watch review videos, you can go to Study Jams Science and watch the presentations under Scientific Inquiry, Plants, Animals, The Human Body, and Ecosystems.

If you prefer shorter movies, try BrainPop. There are dozens of topics to review. Don't forget, you can check videos under science and under Science and Health. The user name and password both are palmbeach.

May the Force be with you!