Thursday, September 3, 2015

Thursday/Friday, 03/04 September, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What role does science play in the study of life?

RELEVANCE: How am I ever going to use this information in my real life?

NGSSS: SC.912.N.1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Explain the role science plays in the study of life. 
-Identify the central themes of biology.

BELL RINGER- Make a T-table. As you watch the video, write the name of the object and in the second column, identify the object as living or non-living. (see drop box: Is it living or non-living?)

VOCABULARY: hypothesis, independent variable, inference, bias, theory, living, non-living, problem statement

HOME LEARNING: HL 2 - Handout Characteristics of Living Things


Those classes that needed to were able to complete construction of their interactive notebooks.

We then made a T-table on page 9 (after setting up a Cornell notes page with the date and essential question) in the center of the page with the labels object and living/non-living. We watched the video (see below), listing each object and determining if it was living or non-living. We discussed the properties/characteristics of living things.

This is the video to complete the bell ringer.

We then discussed the handouts on the study of biology and the characteristics of living things. The handout characteristics of living things will be turned in as the home learning assignment. You can find the handouts below.

These are the handouts associated with the lesson. The last page is the one that you will submit for HL 2. I will give you a separate copy so that you can keep your original for your notebook.