Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday/Friday, September 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What conditions affect aquatic ecosystems?

RELEVANCE: Do humans affect the environments of aquatic organisms? 

NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Explain that different types of organisms exist within aquatic systems due to chemistry, geography, light, depth, salinity, and/or temperature.
-investigate the chemical factors (pH, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorus, and salinity) in aquatic systems.

BELL RINGER - Write for two minutes to describe how your day spent at the beach could affect organisms that live in that habitat.

VOCABULARY: biotic, abiotic, ecosystem, aquatic

HOME LEARNING: HL 5  Answers only for numbers 4-14 on your own paper.

As the bell ringer, students did a sustained silent writing about organisms and environments they'd encountered/expect to encounter on a day at the beach.

Research plans were reviewed. Remember, you MUST complete the background information so we can formulate our hypothesis!

Home learning 5, which also has notes on the topic of aquatic ecosystems were distributed. You can find the pages below. Remember, you are turing in only the answers for numbers 4-14.

This is HL 5. You will complete as you view the video and the powerpoint. However, you are ONLY submitting the answers to questions 4-14. The pages will go in your interactive notebook.

Those classes that needed to complete the CER for the yeast lab did so.

We reviewed the vocabulary for the current topic. Remember, you are to illustrate or give an example for each term listed. This will be placed with your notes. You can find the vocabulary below.
Obviously, you need to complete only one of the vocabulary forms with an illustration or drawing.

We then watched a Study Jams video on Aquatic Ecosystems. You can watch the video by clicking this link: Aquatic Ecosystems. Why not see how much you learned by testing yourself? Click the test yourself link to find out how much you know!

We also took notes from the powerpoint on aquatic ecosystems. The powerpoint has been converted to a movie and you can watch it below. Also, you can sign in to your text using the user name and password I have given you to find the information via an interactive presentation.