Thursday, October 8, 2015

Thursday/Friday, 08/09 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How is matter moved through the biosphere? 

RELEVANCE: How do I contribute to the matter cycles of nature? 

NGSSS: SC.912.E.7.1; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-trace the movement of matter through different biogeochemical cycles
-describe a scientific model of the carbon cycle to show how matter and energy are continuously transferred within and between organisms and their physical environment.

BELL RINGER - Identify the type of symbiosis by the pictures. Write the answers on a paper for your folder (not your notebook). You can find the powerpoint below.

This is a video of the slide show used for the bell ringer, Be sure you can identify each type of relationship.

VOCABULARY: carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, water cycle, decomposer, detrivore

HOME LEARNING: HL 7 Biogeochemical cycles


Students completed the bell ringer, as indicated in the section above.

We received HL 7, which you can find below. This should be put in your notebook with this topic. Remember, answers on your own paper to turn in!

This is HL 7. Place in your notebook after completing. Turn in a copy to me.

Period 5 completed the videos on the nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. You can review them from teh previous blog.

Students worked on their acid rain lab by completing the data. We will graph this in our lab books once they are constructed.

Classes completed and submitted the Pond Ecosystem Gizmo Challenge.