Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Wednesday/Thursday, 14/15 October, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How is energy moved through the biosphere? 

RELEVANCE: Which gives me fore energy, eating the cow or the salad? 

NGSSS: SC.912.E.7.1; SC.912.L.17.9; SC.912.L.18.12; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Explain and illustrate the roles of an relationships among producers, consumers, and decomposers in the process of energy transfer in a food web. 
-Trace the energy pathways through the different trophic levels of a food web or energy pyramid.

BELL RINGER - review SC.912.N.1.1 via questions - handout

VOCABULARY: autotroph, carnivore, chemosynthesis, consumer, decomposer, detrivore, food web, food chain, omnivore, predator, prey

HOME LEARNING: HL 8 Food Chains, Web, and Energy Pyramid


Students reviewed the standard SC.912.N.1.1 by answering questions. You can find the questions below. This will be placed in your notebook as today's bell ringer.

This is the bell ringer. If you can answer these, you are well on your way to passing the biology EOC!
Students received HL 8. It can be found below. Remember, all answers should be recorded on a separate sheet of paper to submit for a grade. Be sure to notate the due date and your grade in your notebook in the appropriate place.

This is HL 8. Answers on your own paper to submit.

Students received the vocabulary necessary to understand this topic. Be sure to complete and place in your notebook. You can find it below.

Complete with an illustration,  example, or wording to help you remember the vocabulary.

Students then worked on the assigned standards via Edgenuity. Remember, to access Edgenuity, you must enter through your portal.

Students who complete work early should to to Dr Gayden’s Science Zone and learn more about food chains and energy pyramids by clicking the links.

Be sure you can answer the following Higher Order Thinking questions!

What do you imagine would happen if all detrivores/decomposers were removed from earth?
Why do the energy pyramid and the biomass pyramid have the same shape?
