ESSENTIAL QUESTION: Why do populations in ecosystems change?
RELEVANCE: Is immigration really that bad?
NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-Utilize data and information about population dynamics, abiotic factors, and/or biotic factors to explain and/or analyze a change in carrying capacity and its effect on population size in an ecosystem.
-Compare the different types of growth in a species population.
-Identify limiting factors and other population dynamics.
BELL RINGER - P5 - make a story to accompany the graph. P6 - Venn diagram comparing immigration and emigration.
VOCABULARY: population, limiting factors, carrying capacity, competition, density, emigration, immigration
HOME LEARNING: notebook update
Period 5 completed the bell ringer that was on the last blog for biology. Period 6 did a on Invasive Species.
Home Learning 1 was collected and reviewed.
We continued with the article on invasive species. Those classes that did not finish will finish next class meeting.