ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How did life on earth begin?
RELEVANCE: When is a living thing alive?
NGSSS: SC.912.L.15.8; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-Identify situations or conditions contributing to the origin of life on Earth.
-Compare different ideas about how organic molecules and cells first came about.
-Continue Journey To Mars Project.
BELL RINGER - How do you think life on earth began? Write to explain your answer.
VOCABULARY: abiogenesis, amino acid, biogenesis, chloroplast, endosymbiotic theory, eukaryotge, organelle, mitochondria, organic molecule, oxygen, prokaryote, protein
HOME LEARNING: notebook update for notebook check
We reviewed correlations to other classes. We are continuing to write, to use multiple authentic sources, and to make inferences.
Home learning 4 was collected and reviewed.
Handouts, which will serve as notes, were distributed and students worked as a whole class on the Miller experiment to determine how life began on earth. You can find the handouts below. You can find the activity at the link The Miller Experiment.
Use these handouts to complete the activity.
Notebooks will be collected next week for grading, so please be sure to update them.
Students who complete work early should to to Edgenuity and work on the topics they received less than 70% from the last exam
-Why is there controversy over the Oparin theory of how life began on earth?
-What would be necessary to allow life to develop on a planet like Mercury, Venus or Mars?