Monday, January 11, 2016

Monday/Tuesday, 11/12 January, 2016


The grading scale for the second grading period, and those beyond has been changed. You received the new grading scale. It is to be taped/glued over the old scale in your class syllabus. Remember, the grading scale now is:


Home learning 20%
Laboratory write-ups (wet labs and virtual labs) 5%
Notebook (including classwork) 30%
Reports/Projects 5%
Assessments (exams, exit slips, etc.)  30%
Differentiated Instruction Assignments 10%
Total  100%
Be sure to act accordingly as you complete and submit your assignments!

In addition, all graded assignments must be submitted by Wednesday, 20 January, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!!! 

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do scientists think life continues to change on Earth?  

RELEVANCE: Do people really change? 

NGSSS: SC.912.L.15.13; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-identify the conditions required for natural selection.
-relate the conditions required for natural selection to differential reproductive success.
-Continue Journey To Mars Project.

BELL RINGER - EOC study questions

VOCABULARY: adaptation, adaptive radiation, ancestor, artificial selection, bottleneck, coevolution, convergent evolution, directional selection, disruptive selection, evolution, extinction, fitness, founder effect, gene glow, gene pool, genetic drift, gradualism, mutation, natural selection, punctuated equilibrium, speciation, stabilizing selection

HOME LEARNING: study for natural selection assessment


We reviewed class correlations and tie-ins to the focus calendar.

The bell ringer was a biology EOC review. You can find the questions below.
This is the bell ringer. It will be placed in your folder.

Home learning 8 was collected.

Students received science fee letters. Fees are due by January 22.

The remainder of the class time was spent completing the GIZMO Natural Selection. If you do not have the handout, you can find it online when you log into your account. If you do not remember your user name and password, please email me and I will send it to you. You MUST take the five question assessment at the end of the GIZMO. It will serve as a quiz on the information.

Students who complete work early should go to Edgenuity and work on the topics they received less than 70% from the last exam

-How does Darwin address the uncertainties surrounding his theory of descent with modification? What do his methods reveal about the nature of scientific inquiry?
-Does Darwin’s theory of natural selection suggest an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the world?


Three things I learned, two things I found interesting, one question I still have.