Thursday, October 12, 2017

Thursday, 12 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do interactions among organisms impact the changing environment?

LEARNING TARGET: Interpret a carrying capacity graph

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify the different roles of organisms in any ecosystem.
-Explain that different types of organisms exist within aquatic systems due to chemistry, geography, light, depth, salinity, and/or temperature.
-Investigate the chemical factors (pH, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorous, and salinity) in aquatic systems.
-Recognize the potential changes to an ecosystem resulting from seasonal variations, climate changes,    
  and/or succession.
-Make observations for GBE
-Research for Project proposal

BELL RINGER- EOC Review 17.5 Population Ecology 
Students used their bell ringer recording sheet to record and justify their answer to the following:

Researchers have found that a local squirrel population fluctuates from year to year, increasing one year and decreasing the next. Which of the following factors would cause the squirrel population to grow?
A. the birth rate is equal to the death rate.
B. emigration is greater than immigration
C. the death rate is higher than the birth rate
D. the birth rate is greater than the death rate

VOCABULARY: commensalism, ecosystem, global warming, greenhouse effect, invasive species, mutualism, parasitism, predation, primary succession, secondary succession, succession, symbiosis, abiotic, biome, biotic, biodiversity, climate, producer, consumer, decomposer, aquatic

HOME LEARNING: HL 7 Carrying Capacity


Students completed the population ecology bell ringer above and used accountable talk to discuss and defend their statements to their classmates.

Students then received HL 7, which was explained.

Students completed notes on aquatic ecosystems. I am reposting the movie of the powerpoint, as it was posted several posts agos. You can find it below.

Students worked on finding information on their chosen (assigned) topic for the biology proposal. More time will be given in class next class period to work on the proposal.