Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wednesday, 18 October, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do interactions among organisms impact the changing environment?

LEARNING TARGET: Interpret a carrying capacity graph

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify the different roles of organisms in any ecosystem.
-Explain that different types of organisms exist within aquatic systems due to chemistry, geography, light, depth, salinity, and/or temperature.
-Investigate the chemical factors (pH, oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, phosphorous, and salinity) in aquatic systems.
-Recognize the potential changes to an ecosystem resulting from seasonal variations, climate changes,    
  and/or succession.
-Make observations for GBE
-Research for Project proposal

BELL RINGER- EOC Review SC.912.L.15.1 Evidence of Evolution Justify your answer.
Fossil evidence shows that giraffes living 1000 years ago had much shorter necks than the giraffes seen today. Which of the following statements best explains this observation? 
A. The two groups of giraffes are not related.
B. The two groups of giraffes arose as a result of convergent evolution.
C. The giraffes acquired longer necks through the continuing process of natural selection.
D, The difference in neck length supports Lamarck's hypothesis.

VOCABULARY: commensalism, ecosystem, global warming, greenhouse effect, invasive species, mutualism, parasitism, predation, primary succession, secondary succession, succession, symbiosis, abiotic, biome, biotic, biodiversity, climate, producer, consumer, decomposer, aquatic

HOME LEARNING: Complete proposal
Students completed and discussed the bell ringer.

Students then made their Growing Beyond Earth observations and measurements. Follow us on Twitter to see our results! You can also post your own individual results (and earn bonus points!) by:

signing into our school account: 

User name COPESouthSci   

Password sciencerocks62

When you post, include: Day of experiment (#), your observation, your first and last initials, and the handles @growbeyondearth @COPESouthSci


Day 15:Measurement Day! Ag
You may also post pictures if you have them. 

Remember to keep it professional and that you are representing our proud school!

Students then updated their interactive notebook.

Students worked on finding information (research) for the ecology proposal that is due. The deadline has been extended to Monday.