Thursday, November 2, 2017

Thursday, 02 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do scientists think life began and continues to change on earth?

LEARNING TARGET: Identify condition that allowed life to form on Earth.
BENCHMARKS: SC.912.L.15.8; SC.912.L.15.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Evaluate the multiple bodies of evidence that support the scientific theory of evolution.

BELL RINGER - SC.912.L15.8 Origins of Life Answer and justify your answer

One of the accepted scientific theories describing the origin of life on Earth is known as chemical evolution. According to this theory, which of the following events would need to occur first for life to evolve?
A.   onset of photosynthesis
B.   origin of genetic material
C.  synthesis of organic molecules
D.  formation of the plasma membrane

VOCABULARY: biogenesis, abiogenesis, spontaneous generation, endosymbiotic theory, prokaryote, organelle, chloroplast, mitochondria, eukaryote, organic molecule, amino acid, protein, biogeography, comparative anatomy, comparative embryology, homologous structures, analogous structure, vestigial structure, molecular biology, hominid, fossil, evolution

HOME LEARNING: HL 1: Fossils: Evidence for Evolution Worksheet
Be sure to place answers on your own paper. Use complete sentences to answer.


Students completed and discussed the above bell ringer, using accountable talk.

We then completed the embryonic evolution section by completing the activity Guess the Embryo handout. You can find it below.

Home learning 1: Fossils: Evidence for Evolution was distributed and explained. Be sure to answer on your own paper. Head your papers correctly. Also use complete sentences.

We then reviwed the process of evolution by likening it to the evolution of a bicycle. You can find the handout below.

We began the Homologous Structures: Evidence for Evolution handout, but did not complete it. Please complete at home for discussion on Monday. You can find the handout below.