Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday, 4 December, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What factors affect the functioning of the circulatory system?

LEARNING TARGET: Identify factors that affect blood flow and analyze how these factors affect blood flow through the cardiovascular system.
BENCHMARKS: SC.912.L.14.36

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-identify and investigate the general functions of the circulatory system.
-Explain the factors that directly or indirectly affect blood flow.
-Data chat

BELL RINGER - Answer and justify.

VOCABULARY: myocardium, artery, blood pressure, capillary, circulatory system, heart disease, heart, vein, cardiovascular system, stroke, cholesterol, plasma, viscosity, atrium, ventricle

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


Students answered and justified the bell ringer found above. The benchmark is SC.912.N.1.1 and the topic is The Nature of Science.

Students then returned and reviewed home learning 4.

We then reviewed the lab stations and then wrote the lab (on paper). For each station, students wrote the station number and title, the problem statement, copied and completed the data table, and answered the analysis questions. There were five stations in all.

We did not complete the activity, so will complete the last two next class.

Home learning is to complete activities 4 and 5 at home.