ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does an environment change?
RELEVANCE: Are all forest fires bad?
NGSSS: SC.912.L.17.5; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-Identify the types of disturbances that ecosystems can recover from.
-Explain how succession changes ecosystems over time.
-Recognize the potential changes to an ecosystem resulting from seasonal variations, climate changes, and/or succession.
BELL RINGER - KW Chart on Natural Disasters: What do you know about the types of natural disasters What do you want to know?
VOCABULARY: climate, ecosystem, succession, greenhouse effect
HOME LEARNING: notebook update - don't forget that you MUST have a level 1, level 2 AND level 3 question. Be sure your summary is inclusive and thoroughly addresses the entire lesson.
Students completed a KW chart on natural disasters, after which w discussed how natural disasters affect an area and the things that reside there.
Research plans were collected, but will be returned next week so that you can complete them for the final grade. Please be sure to pay attention to ALL suggestions!
Home learning 5 was reviewed. Since you have the original copy be sure you corrected any wrong answers you have and place the corrected document with the notes for today. Remember, EVERY TIME there is a DIFFERENT essential question, that is YOUR signal to list the date, science benchmark, essential question and page in your table of contents and then turn to that page, make a Cornell notes and complete the bell ringer!
Students received a handout on successions, which we reviewed and took notes on while completing a virtual lesson on succession. You can find the handout below.
Use this as the basis for your lesson. Try making a Venn diagram to compare and contrast Primary and Secondary Succession!
If you'd like to try your hand again on getting the correct sequences, visit the link listed.Succession
We began the Gizmo on Greenhouse Effect in some classes but not others, so we will continue that activity next class. You can find the printouts for the Greenhouse Effect Gizmo by logging in with your given username and password. Click the link for Lesson Info, and then click the link for student exploration sheet to get the handouts (pages 2-3).
Also, students MUST individually complete the Gizmo challenge on Pond Ecosystems, including the CER. That too, will be completed next class period.