Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday/Monday, 13/16 November, 2015

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What evidence supports the idea that lie on earth can change?  

RELEVANCE: Can monkey see, then do? 

NGSSS: SC.912.L.15.1; MAFS.912.N-Q.1.1; LAFS.910.SL.1.1

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Identify bodies of evidence that support the scientific theory of evolution.
-Recognize anatomical similarities such as homologous structures and vestigial organs when referring to comparative anatomy and comparative embryology.
-Identify basic trends in hominid evolution.

BELL RINGER - Read the background information and answer the questions (1-2).

VOCABULARY: biogeography, brain stem, cerebellum, cerebrum, comparative anatomy

HOME LEARNING: notebook update


We reviewed the interdisciplinary connections with ELA and other subjects.

The bell ringer was to read the background information and answer the two questions on page 2.

CERs from the invasive species activity were collected.

We introduced the comparative anatomy lesson with a discussion of the saying, monkey see, monkey do.

We then watched a BrainPop movie on Human Evolution, completing a fact vs myth page. You can find the page below.
This is the handout to use as you watch the BrainPop video on Human Evolution.

You can watch the video by clicking the link Human Evolution an use the username and password palmbeach.

We discussed the difference between a theory and a law. We then discussed the theory of evolution and why it is considered a theory.

We then did activities one and two from the package Becoming Humans. You can find the handouts below.

These handouts can be used to complete the first tasks of comparing humans and chimps.

Activities will be completed next class if not done so today.

Students who complete work early should to to Edgenuity and work on the topics they received less than 70% from the last exam

-What evidence supports the idea that humans and chimps are related?
-What evidence discredits the theory that humans and chimps are related?


completed questions from activity.