ESSENTIAL QUESTION: What makes something alive?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to:
-Describe the processes of living things.
BELL RINGER: Is it Living?
VOCABULARY: nutrition, transport, respiration, excretion, synthesis growth, regulation reproduction, metabolism, homeostasis
HOME LEARNING: HL 2 The Martian and the Car
Students completed the bell ringer is it living. It will go in the center of the newly set up Cornell notes page. Be sure to add this new title in your table of contents.
Students watched the video on characteristics of living things. You can see the video below.
Students took notes on the characteristics of living things. You can find the slide show presentation, in movie form below. Be sure to include each of the different characteristics in your notes.
Students then completed an exit ticket on characteristics of living things. You MUST have an admit in order to complete this exit ticket, which serves as an assessment!
Next class, we will set up the seed germination lab and our lab books.