Monday, November 13, 2017

Monday, 13 November, 2017

ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How do scientists think life began and continues to change on earth?

LEARNING TARGET: Analyze conditions required for natural selection that result in differential reproductive success. Analyze how and why organisms are hierarchically classified based on evolutionary relationships.

BENCHMARKS: SC.912.L.15.3; SC.912.L.15.6

LEARNING OBJECTIVES:  Students will be able to:
-Describe the conditions required for natural selection, which are overproduction of offspring, inherited variation, and the struggle to survive.
-Show how and why organisms are hierarchically classified based on evolutionary relationships.

BELL RINGER - Kahoot survey Natural Selection

VOCABULARY: evolution, natural selection, extinction, speciation, fitness, adaptation, mutation, ancestor, gene flow, gene pool, genetic drift, bottleneck, founder effect, artificial selection, adaptive radiation, coevolution, convergent evolution, gradualism, punctuated equilibrium, binomial nomenclature, taxonomy, taxon, domain, kingdom, phylum, division, class, order, family, genus, species, phylogenic tree, cladogram, common ancestor, derived characters, monera, bacteria, eubacteria, archaea, protista, fungi, plantae, animalia

HOME LEARNING: Study for Topic Assessment


Students took a Natural Selection survey via Kahoot to determine ideas they had or what they already know about natural selection.

Students then watched a video on Natural Selection. YOu can find a link to 

Students then took notes on Natural Selection. Find the notes handout and the movie of the power point below.

(sorry it's upside down!)

We then did a sample Natural Selection activity. You can find the activity at the link below:

Be sure to check the table/graph icon for the handout. Also, check the journal and answer the questions.

We then took notes on Classification, using the handout below.

The power point in movie form can be found below and used to complete the chart above.

Students also received a handout to practice cladograms, but because of a fire drill, we did not get to complete the activity. You can visit the link below to learn more about cladograms before the assessment on Wednesday!

We didn't get a chance to take our exit qui on quizizz, but I promise to give it to you next time we have time!